Essential Vitamins for Eyes
Ensure you get all the vitamins you need to keep your eyes in optimal health throughout your life. If at anytime you are unsure of something, make an appointment with a Sieff Optometrist.

How Often Should You Have Your Eyes Tested?
Your baby doesn’t see the world as you do. They can only see 3 dimensions by the time they are 9 months old. It is advisable to have your baby’s eyes checked by an eye specialist within their first year of life. Sieff Optometrist will advise you where to make an appointment.
Many potentially life-long problems such as amblyopia (lazy eye) or squints develop in the first years of life. Ensure that you make an appointment when they are 3 and 5 years old so that these problems can be prevented. This requires an eye specialist. Contact Sieff Optometrist to find out where your nearest specialist is.
Many parents have endless stress with children who are diagnosed with ADD, ADHD or dyslexia. What you may not know is that these problems can be worsened by problems with your child’s vision. You can prevent this by taking them for an annual eye test while they are at school or college.
Ages 19 To 39
Being tested every 2 years is necessary even if you don’t have poor eyesight. This is to ensure that any potential problems are detected and dealt with before they cause long term damage.
Age 40 Plus
By having an eye examination every year, you can prevent permanent vision damage caused by various illnesses including glaucoma, high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid problems, cataracts and arthritis. These problems are more common as you get older. If you have not followed these guidelines over the years, don’t panic. Contact a Sieff Optometrist today for an appointment.

Protect Your Eyes Against UV Rays
You take care to protect your skin against the harmful rays of the sun. But what about your eyes? Exposure to harsh artificial lights and sunlight can be harmful to your eyes.
Sieff Optometrists have a range of UV protective lenses to assist with protecting your eyes against these pervasive dangers. Light is made of visible waves and invisible waves, such as ultra violet and infrared light. Before reaching the Earth, some of the solar rays are absorbed by the atmosphere.
However, some UVB rays and almost all UVA rays reach your eyes. The cornea of the eyes absorbs UVB rays and the crystalline lens absorbs the UVA rays.
Sieff Optometrists recommend you protect your eyes against the onslaught with UV protective lenses, especially if you work in an environment where you are exposed to high degrees of UV radiation.