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Optifin for Practises


Optifin is a smart financial solution that enables you to enhance your service to patients, while increasing your own turnover.

Transform The Downturn into an Upturn with Optifin 

You’re no doubt feeling the squeeze of the economic downturn as the number of patients coming into your practice decreases. 


This is made worse because:


  • There are more and more optometrists competing for the same patients.

  • The Medical aids keep cutting back on optical benefits and patient’s savings don’t seem to cover their needs anymore. 

  • Patient’s are migrating to less comprehensive cover such as hospital plans or capitation schemes or leaving their medical aids altogether.

  • The NHI will radically change the landscape of optometry.


To combat these issues and distinguish yourself from your competition, align your practise with Optifin Finance.


Offer Your Clients 8 Months to Pay Interest Free 

Optifin is a smart financial solution that enables you to enhance your service to patients, while increasing your own turnover.


How Optifin Can Save Your Practice 

Optifin will benefit your practice in the following ways: 

Gives you the ability to offer your clients 8 months to pay. Interest free 

  • You don’t have to do any collections 

  • You don’t have to take on any of the risk 

  • More clients with the means to afford glasses

  • Increased turnover for your practice 


Remember Optifin will bring additional profit that you would not normally earn, from customers that you would have turned away.


Everyone Can Afford to See
with Optifin 

Patients who cannot afford to pay cash for glasses can now afford to see with our easy interest free payment terms. In South Africa 20% of the population use some form of vision correcting devise, but at least 50% of refractive errors are undetected and untreated.


8 Months to Pay – Interest FREE! 

Optifin is unique in that we offer your clients a chance to pay for their glasses over 8 months. Interest free.


Repayment Term 

With Optifin clients are given up to 8 months to pay for their glasses, interest free. If your clients have been employed for less than 1 year in the same job or are contract workers, their repayment term may be reduced.


Maximum Amount 

Your clients are allowed to spend up to 15% of their net salary on their monthly instalment. For instance, if your client earns R5000 per month, they can spend up to R750 on their monthly instalments.


First Payment Rule 

Optifin credit will only be accepted after the first debit order instalment has been processed.


When Are Glasses Dispensed 

Glasses can be made up and dispensed to patients as soon as Optifin receives the first instalment. Customers who want their glasses sooner can deposit their money into Optifin’s account.



Unfortunately, Optifin cannot extend credit terms to your clients if they fall into the following categories:


  • Under administration or unrehabilitated insolvent

  • Unemployed

  • Over indebted

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